Her boyfriend broke up with her. What she did next is totally shocking!

It is really hard to experience a break up, especially if you really loved the person. After every break up, most of us will think that it is indeed the end of our lives, some even claim that they can't continue to live without their loved ones.

Well, it seems that this woman thinks a lot like that after her boyfriend broke up with her. In the city of Harbin in China, this 20-year-old woman tried to end her life by jumping off her apartment's windows after her boyfriend broke up with her.

A lot of people claim that maybe because of so much pain and mixed emotions she locked herself in her room and refused to talk to anyone.

Fortunately, her boyfriend was vigilant enough to catch her hand, preventing her from falling.

This incident will now serve as a warning to each and every couple out there!

Let the whole world know about this story!
Via NTDTV Diedit semula oleh - Kucinghappy.com