Luahan Hati Pengguna Yang Membeli Barang Di

Kali ini Kucinghappy nak kongsikan luahan hati seorang pengguna yang telah membeli barang kat Lazada. Bayangkan ianya terjadi kepada anda, apa perasaan anda? begitulah perasaan yang dialaminya saat ini... memang menyakitkan... jadi berhati-hatilah ketika membeli barang secara online yang tidak diketahui ketulenannya. Mohon viralkan artikel ini supaya lebih ramai yang tahu...

"My dearerst friends, friend of friends, future brides and everyone that likes to shop at

Lazada almost killed me 2 weeks before my wedding. How? read thru my longest post ever! And help me to spread it out supaya x ada lg kes mcm ni berlaku insya.

Seronok kan beli barang kt Lazada.. harga dia murah and sometimes below the market price, even kalau bila dh dpt item yg korg order and if ade defect sikit2 pun korg boleh je pejam sebelah mata sbb harga dia murah. The best part is korg x yh nk rs angin bila stuck kt jem bila nk keluar pergi shopping mall betul x?

Thats why la, i am one their most loyal customer. To date,I have bought 5 smartphones from them, a tablet, kindle, equipments for sports, brg2 dapur, beauty equipments n mcm2 la... siap promote lagi kt my family, friends suruh beli from them. Tp i x pyh promote pun mmg org akan shop kat sana sbb dorg kan murah. Especially bila their goal is to conquer the market, so their promotion and marketing campaign kan gila2! So siapa yg x kenal Lazada?

2 weeks before my wedding I pakai la hair steamer cap yg i baru beli dari lazada. Baru nk pakai kali ke-2 ni and excited nk sihat kn rambut supaya berseri2 time wedding nanti. Tanpa i sedari, hair steamer tu tgh terbakar atas kepala i. Menggelabah la i time tu sbb rambut tu dh melekat dlm hair steamer cap tu so i x boleh nk cabut from my head. And i can feel the burn on my skin. So i terpaksa just tarik je from my head so kepala i x terbakar. Byk la rambut gugur and rosak and ade bald spot. Kalau bukan sbb bau dia yg sgt hangit and busuk i maybe x sedar and mungkin kepala i sekali terbakar and mati macam tu je. Nauzubillah.

Thinking positive, mmg Allah nk remind me untuk bertudung and jaga aurat la tu. So insyaallah especially bulan ramadhan ni akan ke arah yg lebih baik, amin.

However, Lazada seharusnye ambil tanggunjawab. Perkara ni melibatkn nyawa seseorg. Especially 2 weeks before my wedding. I rarely complain even though almost semua brg i bought from them ade defect. Tp this time melibatkn my life. But guess what, when i complained, igt dorg kesah? they just wanted to give me rm150 voucher to shop more on their website. It is an insult to my life!. How can u compare my life to your rm150 voucher? Then they tried to bg hair treatment la. The worst part was, my case was not handled hastily. They pusing sana pusing sini. Mmg x ada emphaty. Now is already 2 month since the wedding. But nothing.

Nampak sgt u guys x kesah hidup mati customer korg kan... Yela why would u care when u know in the end they will still come and shop from u kan? Customer acquisition je yg korg kesah kan. Mula2 mmg nk saman and report kt all media channels, tp x pela, i let it go... I just nk u guys berhati2 bila nk shopping kt sana.

So my dear friends, berhati2 la beli shopping kt Lazada Malaysia, jgn beli sembarangan. Just because they are cheap doesn't mean they are safe.

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